The National Association of software & services companies, NASSCOM and according to the Indian software companies, 25 per cent per annum maikinje speed of badh ahead over the next five years are at least not in this speed will come t. Given the current progress of the sector can be said that this year the sector came to nearly 25 million t. And BP. Need escape?rtsa. i. t. Sector jobs most metro cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad, so these cities will see fantastic growth in the economic situation right now. t. to. And BP. India's economic growth by 50 per cent bad sectors the share are playing.
Economic survey stated that the 11th five year plan (2007-2012) will reduce unemployment by the end of the five years almost 58 million jobs these likely is in India, said that the year 2012. survey 5 per cent decline in unemployment.-food processing, James-jyulri, handloom, timers and constructions in the field of borja jobs.
According to a survey conducted by maigjin, event management, airlines such as area youth of Interior dekoreshan. this year the organic food industry, brain analysis, robotics, biology, space kampyuteshnal, in areas such as genetic consoling timers also can be expanded.
Economic survey stated that the 11th five year plan (2007-2012) will reduce unemployment by the end of the five years almost 58 million jobs these likely is in India, said that the year 2012. survey 5 per cent decline in unemployment.-food processing, James-jyulri, handloom, timers and constructions in the field of borja jobs.
According to a survey conducted by maigjin, event management, airlines such as area youth of Interior dekoreshan. this year the organic food industry, brain analysis, robotics, biology, space kampyuteshnal, in areas such as genetic consoling timers also can be expanded.